Confusing the Copier for the Shredder - Berto Falls to Pieces

Confusing the Copier for the Shredder – Berto Falls to Pieces

Confusing the Copier for the Shredder – Berto Falls to Pieces

There have been many funny stories, some of them true, about mistaking the wrong device in the office, which has led to disaster.

A comical story shared in 2011 inspired this month’s cartoon by RTMworld’s resident cartoonist, Berto. A young executive stayed late at work to impress his boss. Upon leaving, he found the CEO struggling with the document shredder. Eager to help, the executive confidently turned it on and shredded the CEO’s only copy of a sensitive document. As the document  disappeared into the shredder, the CEO said, “Actually, I just need one copy….”

Confusing the Copier for the Shredder - Berto Falls to Pieces

Many companies use in-office shredding to dispose of sensitive documents. However, there are several risks related to the use of such devices, including:

  • partially shredded documents still containing sensitive information;
  • accidentally shredding the wrong document;
  • potentially causing a fire hazard if not handled properly, from the heat produced when large quantities of flammable paper scraps are generated;

Many stories can be found online where staff have also inadvertently shredded important documents that were intended to be copied instead. Accidentally shredding office documents means losing vital data, potentially disrupting ongoing projects or compromising sensitive information.

Beyond the immediate inconvenience, there are broader implications. The loss of time and resources spent recreating shredded documents can be substantial, causing workflow delays and productivity loss. Accidental shredding can damage professional relationships as it will undoubtedly reflect poorly on the individual responsible, potentially undermining their credibility and reputation within the workplace.

Misusing the shredder instead of the copier extends far beyond the immediate act, impacting efficiency, confidentiality, professional relationships, and financial stability within the office environment. Vigilance and attention to detail are crucial to avoid such costly errors.

Maybe, it’s not something to smile about!

Berto Salivates Over the New Blended Copier and Coffee MachineCartoon #119: Confusing the Copier for the Shredder – Berto Falls to Pieces

Berto’s previous cartoon, #118: Berto Salivates Over the New Blended Copier and Coffee Machine

Who is Berto? And where can you see more of his work?  Click here.

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