
Our in-house cartoonist, Berto, lives in Santiago, Chile and has been poking fun at our industry every month since 2011.
Naughty or nice this year Berto rtmworld cartoon

Naughty or nice this year? Berto checks in with Santa

Berto checks in with Santa as he asks printer OEMs and the Aftermarket if they have been naughty or nice this year and if they have been "playing nicely in the playground" together.
They are Getting Even Smaller Berto cartoon rtmworld

They are Getting Even Smaller – Berto spies a tiny printer

As Berto muses, now they are getting even smaller, yet printers can be portable, powerful and rival the print quality of even standard-size inkjet models.
Hand Me Another Tariff Berto cartoon rtmworld

Hand me Another Tariff – Berto enters the trade war

Is Trump's trade war with China the war you are having when you are not having a war? Hand me another tariff seems to be US policy.

Opportunities Found in China – Berto gets a handful

Opportunities Found in China - Berto gets a handful from the expo - the largest in the world to host office equipment, printers, copiers, supplies, part and components - provides opportunities only found in China.
Printer Cartridge Parts Galore Berto cartoon rtmworld

Printer Cartridge Parts Galore – Berto asks what is an OPC?

The printer cartridge itself is a consumable component of a laser printer and has component parts galore inside it such as the drum, often called the OPC.
Printer Security Trumped Berto cartoon rtmworld

Printer Security Trumped – Berto panicks

To fully protect your company you must make sure every device including your printer has adequate security and an appropriate firewall: Trumped by a wall!

Some Leaders See Bright Future – Berto needs sunglasses

Truly inspiring leaders see the bright side of any issue including the future. RT Media seeks to inform, educate and nurture the global imaging industry. Berto needs sunglasses.

Hanging On For Service – Berto wants to give up

Customer experience is becoming more important than price and product and customers will not keep hanging on for service any more and will go and find a better customer experience with your competitors.
Zapped by Laser Printer Again Berto cartoon rtmworld

Zapped by Laser Printer Again – Berto gets up to mischief

Laser printers produce high-quality text and graphics when a laser beam hits a negatively charged "drum" so its not possible to be zapped by a laser printer
Zero Tolerance for Counterfeiters Berto cartoon rtmworld

Zero Tolerance for Counterfeiters – Berto does time

There's nothing to laugh about when it comes to counterfeiting—it's a crime! There is zero tolerance for counterfeiters involved with the manufacture, distribution, marketing, packaging and sale of fake goods including cartridges.
