Quocirca Completes Study of MPS Landscape: 2013

Quocirca, an information technology (IT) and business analysis company, recently released a report titled, Managed Print Services Landscape: 2013, that analyzes the growing MPS market and its continuing development.

According to the report, the focus of MPS has shifted from the core services of device consolidation and optimization to long-item business improvement. Further, as companies move to next generation MPS contracts, they seek to lower operating costs and improve overall productivity.

The report states the trend of MPS contracts is to offer a variety of business process optimization capabilities, including business process and IT services. Consumers expect innovation, industry expertise and customized solutions, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement in cost savings and efficiency initiatives. An estimated 51% of the companies in this business indicate that they have used advanced MPS to improve their business operations. Digital and paper workflows are being integrated to meet many the needs of large firms, especially those dealing with large data bases.  Quocirca concludes that MPS providers with mature business process expertise will be the best suppliers of these workflows.

The 2013 study finds that 20% of firms polled have already added mobile printing to MPS contracts while 44% indicate they will do this in the future. In addition, more organizations are planning to strengthen security measures to ensure key documents can only be accessed by authorized users.

Quocirca named Xerox a worldwide market leader for the fourth consecutive year. Louella Fernandes, Principal Analyst at Quocirca, commented, “Xerox performs well in its broad coverage of enterprise offerings across office, mobile, production and offsite commercial environments. This firm continually makes various investments for the marketplace with new assessment and reporting tools, which can help consumers simplify their print environment, lower their cost and gain productivity benefits.”

Mike Feldman, Senior Vice President of Xerox Global Document Outsourcing and MPS, added, “Xerox keeps expanding the value of MPS by offering consumers new services and new solutions for accessing data.”

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