Official Announcement from AIGOTECH ONSYNK

After being accused of selling patent-infringing ink cartridges in Spain, with 72,100 cartridges seized by Spanish Civil Guard, AIGOTECH ONSYNK has now issued the following statement:

Distinguished Clients of AIGOTECH ONSYNK:

As the lawyer of the company AIGOTECH ONSYNK, we want to step out of the disturbing news that has come to light recently about the alleged involvement of products related to the brand HP. For giving you the peace and affirm that AIGOTECH ONSYNK is acting all the time in most scrupulous legality, in the right line with the rules established by law.

However, before the injurious news full of inconsistencies, grudge and malice against our clients, which doesn´t conform to any realities, as we are the lawyers of AIGOTECH and knowledgeable of this case, that doesn´t exist any judicial resolution today that declare responsibly AIGOTECH the illegalities in its business. What´s more, not only there is no judicial decision, but also the HP company has opted for ¨quiet as the response¨, even they don´t want his request to the court to be ratified when he was notified to it, which could even lead to the resignation procedure after all.

For these reasons, we are convinced that the only order that has followed HP during all this time means a perverse business strategy to discredit AIGOTECH cause his strong competition that is realizing, to bring to the market better products than his and also to a lower cost.

Once again, we face the malicious actions of a huge company with recognition international, that after cornering for many years on the top of the business of consumables, inks and related products. It assumes that another merchant can win the business career of innovation and quality at lower prices, so he decides to use all his reputation to end this competition.

However , there are proofs enough to prove the probable countless nullity of the patents in this field, where we are working on it, letting  the public be aware of it in the right time and not too late; which will put HP into a delicate commercial situation and to see how his great empire will fall down as the same as some of others large companies at this time.

The facts that we discovered above, non-occurrence of office that write this letter , since in the our reports our Spanish engineer demonstrate that, putting knowledge of judged in the right time , and even in others countries, like the case in united state, Holland, brazil etc. It has already held the trial between Hp and the largest companies for this motive and there were unfavorable results for this “giant” US.

Indicating to finish it, we are at trial stage, not is possible to facilitate more data about this, until it advances during the proceedings and when it arrive the time to present the entire expert reports that we indicated before. Hoping to settle the doubts in these days as a result of what happened.

Best regards.
Ángel Mejías Santiago


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