Events News

At RTM World, you can find unparalleled resource for industrial event insights. We provide updates, reports, and information covering RemaxWorld, VIP Imaging Expos and other industrial events, and unearth details on exhibitors, summit and conference highlights, new products, services, and solutions. Whether you are buyers or suppliers, trust RTM World to keep abreast of the latest developments in the industry.

Nominations Boom for Global Industry Awards—Nominations close August 10

Make your industry nominations and to win one of the VIP Guest Seat tickets for the RT Media Global Industry Award Ceremony!

Exhibit Space in Short Supply at RemaxWorld Expo

With more than 3 months to go before the world’s largest print consumables expo, organizers are thrilled with the exhibitor turnout, leaving only 9% of the floor space available.

The 2nd RT Media Global Industry Awards Ceremony Announced—Nominations Called for All 12 Awards!

RT Media has announced the 2nd Global Awards Ceremony for the print consumables industry will be held on 15th October—during the 9th RemaxWorld Expo in Zhuhai, China.

Line-up Complete for RT Media Imaging Summit & Expo— Kodak Joins Sponsor List

An international contingent of speakers will present on the latest issues facing the inkjet, toner, cartridge, and commercial printing industry geared to the interests of service providers and OEMs. 

Legendary World Toner Conference Set for Relaunch in Wuhan, China

The first World Toner Conference is set to attract visitors, speakers and exhibitors to the ChuTian International Hotel in Wuhan, China on April 9-10, 2015. 

Thank You for Attending the RT Imaging Summit & Expo Europe

We would like to thank you for your attendance at the RT Imaging Summit & Expo Europe, held on 15-16 January in CCIB, Barcelona. 

“Clean Show” Verdict Given in Barcelona

Printer OEMS, including Hewlett-Packard (HP) have informed organizers of the RT Imaging Summit & Expo their newly launched show focusing on imaging supplies in Europe did not display, offer or contain infringing printing consumables.
