Customer service is how you retain customers.
There is nothing a girl, I should say woman, cannot do.
The truth is remanufacturers continue to disappear because they cannot compete.
Not every remanufactured cartridge is good quality. However, many are.
Change however, does bring opportunities for those ready to see and ready to pounce.
RTMWorld, orchestrated by Comexposium Recycling Times Exhibition Services Limited, is a global hub fostering knowledge exchange, networking, and business opportunities in the industries of office equipment, printers, copiers, and supplies. With an international team from diverse locations, RT hosts premier events like the RemaxWorld Expo and RT Imaging Expo worldwide. In addition, we broadcast inTouch TV programs, publish the multilingual RT ImagingWorld magazine, and unveil the annual RT Global Industry Directory during the RemaxWorld Expo in Zhuhai, China.