UK Businessman Digs In rtmworld Darren

UK Businessman Digs In To Save Environment

UK Businessman Digs In To Save Environment

UK Businessman Digs In rtmworld DarrenSeeing pictures of the Amazon on fire angered, frustrated and disappointed UK businessman Darren Turner (pictured).

Then, according to Turner, it struck him like a lightning bolt that his Haslingden based, small business MY Total Office Solutions could do something significant to reverse the impact of climate change. “We’ve been thinking for some time how a small business like ours could influence the environment in a positive way,” Turner said.

‘Trees are the answer,” Turner explains. “Trees suck carbon dioxide out of the air and if we plant enough of them, it can have a massive impact on climate change.”

After carrying out some intensive research, Turner found his theory is supported by scientists and was covered in a Guardian article. Planting billions of trees is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. As trees grow, they absorb and store the carbon dioxide emissions driving global heating.

According to scientists, a worldwide planting programme could remove two-thirds of all the emissions that have been pumped into the atmosphere by human activities. A figure the scientists describe as “mind-blowing.”

Turner adds, “That’s what we are going to do. Plant some trees. But we’re not going to do it alone. Our customers are going to help us too.”

In its simplest form, every print technology contract signed on or after October 1, will trigger MY Total Office Solutions to plant a tree for that person or organisation and providing each with a certificate to show when and where it was planted.

MY Total Office Solutions provides print technology solutions for families, homeworkers, small and medium organisations with specialised products for schools, charities and nurseries.

“As part of the campaign, we’re also inviting local organisations and schools to help out, by planting a few trees in their grounds,” said Turner. “We’ll provide the trees and even do the planting. All they need to do is get in contact with our team.”

Want to support the environment? and join UK businessman Turner as he digs in to save the environment. To nominate an organisation to become an authorised tree planting location, contact the team at MY Total Office Solutions in the United Kingdom on freephone 0800 18 33 800.


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