Seizure and Forfeiture Order Issued Against InkJet Ink Supplies Importer

The U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (“Customs”) has denied certain Inkjet Ink supplies and components from being imported into the United States, for violating the General Exclusive Order (GEO).

Customs provided the importer- BCMY Corp-with written notice of the GEO, informing that any further attempt to import the articles into the United States would result in a seizure and forfeiture order.

Based on these and other documents provided by Customs, the Commission has determined the issuance of a seizure and forfeiture order against BCMY Corp.

A copy of the Seizure and Forfeiture Order, dated January 13, provided to RT Media, shows that California-based BCMY Corp has violated the General Exclusion Order (GEO) related to the 337-TA-691investigation, while attempting to import infringing Inkjet Ink supplies and components into the United States.

In September 23, 2009, Hewlett-Packard Palo Alto, Hewlett-Packard CA and Hewlett-Packard USA filed a lawsuit against 11 companies, claiming they infringed four patents (No. 6,089,687;6,264,301;6,959,985 and 7,104,630).

The USITC instituted a 337-TA-691 investigation on October 29, 2009 and issued a GEO on January 7, 2011.


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