Raids Continues to Curb Counterfeit Inks
To further safeguard its interests and defend the business of its authorized dealers, Epson has conducted a series of raids in Mumbai and Chennai.
Local police joined Epson to demonstrate the government’s “no tolerance” position towards the sale and manufacturing of counterfeit inks.
Epson’s vigilance team urged Mumbai police to raided one dealer’s premises in the Kalbadevi area. Police seized 1,773 counterfeit ink bottles, 4,110 empty bottles with Epson trademarks, 10,342 bar code stickers, 30,200 ink bottle wrappers and stickers with Epson branding and 215 liters of ink. According to, this is one of the biggest raids conducted so far in terms of quantity of seized counterfeits.
Chennai Police also conducted raids in T. Nagar and Saidapet and also seized a large quantity of counterfeit Epson products. Nearly 500 ink bottles marked “Epson” were seized along with other printing materials and machines used for making counterfeit Epson ink bottles. Police also seized 2,729 Epson Ink Bottle labels from the dealers.
A spokesperson at Seiko Epson Corporation said “We view the infringement of our patents very seriously and counterfeiting would be the most important of these. We will continue to fight against those that inappropriately use Epson’s patented technology. We would like to extend special accolades for Mumbai & Chennai police force in successfully conducting these counterfeit raids and limiting the damages to a bare minimum. Maintaining high standards of corporate ethics while encouraging everyone to respect the rights is the paramount objective at Epson”.
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