Inkjet and Toner Impacts on the Market?

RemaxWorld Summit attendees were told that inkjet will not replace toner technologies, but are certainly providing fast, price-competitive, glossy color alternatives to big, medium and small business.

German-based OCP’s Carsten Edelmeier,gave a refreshing view on the battle for dominance between the technologies. “Will inkjet kill toner in the next 5 years? I can’t see that.  Both technologies need to compete in order for new technologies to develop.” Edlemeier told the 118 Summit attendees.

Edlemeier overviewed the advantages inkjets, especially in light of environment protection, money-saving and speed,providing statistics to convince that inkjets are in the right place to meet the macro trends.

Quality expectations in the office environment are high, and Edlemeierbelieves that will serve as a main driver in the future.Taking HP as an example, Edlemeier shared the leading OEM’s strategies to adjust with the evolution of modern office environments.

Edlemeier expressed OCP’s view on the new trends, saying that pigmented inks are definitely the future.

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