ETIRA Comments on New EU Ecolabel Criteria

Recycling Times reported on January 7 that the EU Commission has rolled out new Ecolabel criteria, encouraging remanufactured cartridges for the imaging industry.

Commenting on the criteria’s impact on supplies industry, Vincent van Dijk, Secretary General of European Toner & Inkjet Remanufacturers Association (ETIRA ) , said : “The OEMs are obliged to offer a take-back system of cartridges, which may represent a great new business opportunity for ETIRA members, as they can become the preferred partner of an OEM to offer a take-back system.”

Regarding the impact on the aftermarket, he told Recycling Times: “ETIRA expects that in a few years from now, many printers will be ‘EU Ecolabel certified’. That will be good news for the remanufacturers, as these printers may only work with cartridges that are easy to remanufacture. And due to the obligation to offer a take-back system for Ecolabelled cartridges, newbuilt clone cartridges that infringe patents will not qualify under the Ecolabel.“

For more details of the criteria, please read:

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