Consumers “Releaf” their Printed Pages

The aftermarket cartridge supplies company, TonerCycle/InkCycle, has partnered with PrintReleaf Exchange (PRX) to offer its customers an innovative way to promote sustainable business practices while reducing the environmental impacts of using forest products such as paper.

According to, PRX claims to be the first technology platform to enable cloud-based forest product tracking and reforestation. PRX measures paper consumption through the automatic transmission of data collected from print management software on printers. Through integration with Global Forest Watch, a platform hosted by the World Resources Institute, PRX reforests at a generally accepted rate of one tree for every 8,333 sheets of paper consumed.

After selecting where they want their paper “releafed,” customers can use their online portal to track the evolution, growth, and survival of their trees over an approximate eight-year time frame for each tree.

This program helps end users to neutralize paper waste, improve efficiency and certifiably participate in sustaining global forests.

Since the launch of PrintReleaf, over 635 million pages have “releafed” 75,000 trees.

TonerCycle/InkCycle produces and distributes its line of aftermarket toner and inkjet cartridges throughout North America from three locations in Kansas, California, and Pennsylvania.

“With over two decades of leadership in environmental sustainability within the aftermarket print cartridge space, we continue to look for ways to deliver greater value to our reseller community, their customers and the environment,” says Ink Cycle’s Executive Vice President, Brad Roderick. “Our attraction to partnering with PrintReleaf was the transparency and validity of their claims as verified by a worldwide third party auditing organization.”

Roderick expects their customers to automatically share their “releaf” transactions monthly on social media.

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