Asia Pacific Market Updates Delivered to Industry Summit on Giant Screen

According to IDC, the overall printer market share in Asia-Pacific is growing.

Pankaj Chawla, research manager at International Data Corporation (IDC) told RemaxWorld Summit delegates gathered in Zhuhai that the inkjet HCP market share on installed base saw an increase of 0.5%, from 17.3% in 2013 to 17.8% in 2014; while laser HCP market on installed base increased by 1.5% to 32.2% in 2014 compared with 2013.

Chawla (pictured using new giant LED screen technology seen in various RemaxWorldExpo functions this week) hastened to add that inkjet is showing great potential to catch up.Compared with printer based laser HCPs, inkjet HCP still delivered strong performance in shipment.

Chawla says that IDC tracking found that inkjet shipments grew 4.1% to 48.7% in the first half year (H1) of 2015, compared with that in 2012 H1. Laser shipments fell 3.7%, from 55.4% in 2012 H1 to 51.3% in 2015 H1.The share of inkjet HCP commercial shipments increased during this same period from 48.3% to 53.1%.

Chawla advises inkjets to target not only SOHO and small-to-medium sized businesses, but also the third platform and online printing services to maintain dominance in the market.  “Internet has changed the way we use printers,” he said while referring toHP’s instant ink plan and the convenient online printing services.

So just how big is the printer consumables market in Asia Pacific? Chawla answered by citing a IDC research conducted in the second quarter of 2015, which indicated that the ink cartridge units shipped were 208.96 million, with a revenue value ofUS$2,067.1 million. At the same time, laser toner units turned in 110.10 million units, with a revenue value of US$4,913.3 million.

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