Print Management Service Developed for Small Business

PrintFleet has worked with Samsung to design print management software for small to medium businesses (SMB) that run less than 25 devices.

Device monitoring for even the smallest businesses has been simplified with the release of the Samsung XOA-e, a server-less PrintFleet Data Collection Agent (DCA) embedded on the Samsung XOA line-up of printers. Working together for the last year, Samsung and PrintFleet designed the XOA-e to respond to the growing demand in the SMB market for comprehensive data collection, analysis and reporting capabilities.

Users in small and medium-sized print environments have typically been overlooked by the imaging industry due to the perceived cost/benefit ratio of managed print services.

Chris McFarlane, President & CEO, PrintFleet, said “We are delighted to partner with Samsung on the XOA-E project to offer customers with smaller print environments a cost-effective solution to manage their devices. Our strategic partnership with Samsung allows us to leverage our combined strengths to better meet the needs of customers by providing a differentiated value proposition for SMB clients and resellers.”

PrintFleet says its embedded DCA will make device management more efficient for users, enabling accurate, real-time reporting and alert functionality regardless of manufacturer. The user-friendly interface eliminates the complexity of DCA installation and management as well as the need for a server or IT expertise.

Iljun Jeon, Vice President, Enterprise Business Group, Printing Solutions, Samsung Electronics, said, “Samsung Smart MFP with PrintFleet embedded DCA will be the key to success in managed service business. MFPs with simple cloud connection will become a more common feature in MPS business, and will improve office productivities and drive service efficiencies.”

Based in Ontario, Canada, PrintFleet connects businesses by providing data, facilitating actionable information that enables automation of processes within the imaging industry.



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