New Print Solutions Can Save Huge Costs

Ricoh Canada Inc. has released Serverless Print Solutions – a new and unique approach to print management that saves significant costs comparing to traditional strategies.

According to Ricoh, the Serverless Print Solutions uses a single print server and manages print drivers, printer queues and printing policies across the entire print environment.

The traditional print models usually require multiple local print servers, which creates extra administration and slows down the entire process. Comparing to the traditional strategies, the new approach saves costs significantly and is more efficient at managing the distributed fleet.

In addition, the new solution is expected to reduce the cost and waste of printing. By avoiding heavy network traffic and adopting Output Management, the customers would save up to $6,349 per dedicated server removed and reduce up to 30% of output costs.

Moreover, the new solutions provide secure options by offering card authentication options, which means employees could print confidential information at work.

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