Man Charged with Selling Unauthorized Toner

A 76-year-old man remains charged with selling unauthorized toner used in the Xerox printer in Florida, U.S.A. Meanwhile, the charges on the other four people from Haynes Brothers’ Furniture in this case are acquitted.

According to, prosecutors had charged these five people of swindling and grand theft of over US$100,000 from Xerox. The man charged in the case has been named as Robert Fisher, from Daytona Beach. The investigators alleged that he had made US$4 million in the case of a “US$24 million ring”. Nick Cox, the statewide prosecutor in Florida described the man as “an agent of Xerox”, but he refuses to unveil more details.

At first the investigators claimed that those five people had established a “ghost” company to blackmail Xerox and caused its retail to lose around US$24 million. They were arrested in November of 2015 because of their involvement in the above-mentioned case of “US$24 million printer toner resale ring”.

Later investigators learnt that the four people from the company of Haynes Brothers’ Furniture had paid for the toner, so the charges on them were dropped.

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