Katun Denies Infringement, Toshiba Objects

Katun has provided 81 responses to the Central District Court of California specifically denying it has committed any acts of patent infringement as alleged by Toshiba.

Previously, in December 2015, Toshiba America Business Solutions, together with its co-plaintiff Toshiba TEC Corporation (collectively “Toshiba”), filed a patent infringement claiming Katun had violated nine of its patents.

Katun’s attorney, Li Zhu, asked the court to:

  • dismiss Toshiba’s complaint against Katun;
  • rule in favor of Katun’s counterclaims;
  • find that Katun has not infringed, contributed to the infringement of, or induced others to infringe, either directly or indirectly;
  • rule that the Asserted Patents are invalid and unenforceable.

However, just last week on February 23, Toshiba’s attorneys Douglas F. Stewart and David J. Ball jointly filed their opinion, appealing to the court that Katun should not be entitled to any relief on its counterclaims. “Katun’s prayer for relief should be denied in its entirety with prejudice, and Katun should take nothing.”

RT Media has copies of both Katun’s and Toshiba’s filings.


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