Former Cartridge World Franchisee in $1 Million Scam
The famous ink and toner specialty retailer has been dragged into a 7-year toner scam caused by a former franchise owner.
According to, Todd and Maggie Kuenstler are being sued by a Dallas-based bookstore chain, called Half Price Books. The bookstore claims the former Cartridge World franchise owner couple took advantage of a contract that allowed them to access the central distribution center. They allegedly stole cartridge supplies previously sold to the bookstore, only to resell it back again. The scam was found in January 2016.
Half Price Books say US$1 million of the US$3 million they paid, was based on fraudulent transactions.
Cartridge World has been dragged into the case because Half Price Books claim a percentage of the illegal profits were used to pay the franchiser.
Steve Weedon, Cartridge World’s CEO said he was shocked that Half Price Books had been subjected to the rogue actions of an ex-franchisee. He was adamant that Cartridge World itself is in no way involved with the Kuenstlers alleged scam.
“That is simply not the case,” Weedon said, “and we will defend our position in this lawsuit with aggression to preserve the good name of our franchise network and honest hard-working store owners and master franchisees around the world.”
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