First North American Company prueba nuevas tintas fluorescentes de HP

New OEM fluorescent inks are being tested by a print house in Canada.
According to Labels & Labeling, HP approached Pazazz, which is based in Montreal to become a beta testing site for its new fluorescent inks.
Shawn Werbitt, the label section president of Pazazz regards it as a great privilege to be the first provider of fluorescent printing in North America. He said, “This was a fantastic opportunity that I was enthusiastic to bring to my team.”
Nick Gawreluk, the manager of supplies product in HP Indigo North America stated, “Pazazz’s use of the new HP Indigo Electroink Fluorescent Pink has been the most unique and eye catching designs I have seen to date. The company’s quick adoption of the new technology will help them generate high value applications and offer their customers an expanded variety of creative designs.”

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