ECi FMAudit Boasts Largest Database of Monitored Printers

ECi FMAudit, a USA-based MPS provider headquartered in Jefferson, Missouri, claimed it has established the largest database of monitored devices in the world. The company stated that more than 4.1 million printers are sharing their data to the FMAudit Enterprise solution and more than 163,000 offices installed its Onsite program.

The company stated it offers software products at an affordable cost, as well as supply and service synchronization coupled with tighter integration by the top enterprise resource program systems in the imaging channel.

Kevin Tetu, President of ECi FMAudit, believes the company is playing an important role in the managed print industry, which is proved by FMAudit successfully collecting data from more than 4 million printer installations.

Greg Allen, Vice President of Operations at ECi FMAudit, noted, “Having the ability to offer our customers a solution that will place toner orders and service calls into their ERP system is invaluable.”

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